Sequel/Our Road to Trust

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Family Story/Thank you

Thank you to everyone who helped with the launch of this book, and to all my readers. I can’t do this writing/publishing thing without you!

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Release Day/Our Road to Trust

It’s here! ‘Our Road to Trust’ was officially released this morning across all online retailers.

I am so grateful for the support of my friends and family, as well as those of you who have followed my blog from the beginning, and joined my newsletter as well as those who follow me on social media. Indie Authors do not succeed without you. I do not succeed without you.

Thank you for celebrating with me!

Genre: Contemporary Christian Fiction, Women’s Fiction

Book Description:
Ten women struggle to find connection in their home church as they walk through personal suffering. Can they learn to trust God and each other, or will they choose to remain in their brokenness?

Words That Pierce:
Can Mary trust God and find the courage to confront a church friend about hurtful words?

The Letter:
While Tina’s whole world begins to crumble, will a letter harden or soften her heart?

Power Off:
Will Harmony trust her mother after committing an act of deception?

Can Amy learn to see past her anger and pain to apologize and find peace?

Broken China:
Can Rose overcome the pressure to appear as the perfect pastor’s wife, face her own failings, and find help for her troubled daughter before they both fall apart?

Just Forget It:
Beth’s long expected battle with forgetfulness has arrived; can she trust others for help as well as hold on to joy?

The Pill Cabinet:
Hillary’s world has become a cloud of pain. Can she walk past her pride and reach out for help, or will she begin down a dark path?

Her Choice:
Will Debora’s battle with depression and grief push her to a breaking point?

Scary Things:
At only four years old, Gloria faces one of life’s deepest losses, and when the shadows that once followed her mother notice her, can she defeat the darkness?

Prayers and Pencil Crayons:
Will Abigail step out of the shadows and into the new leadership role God has opened for her?

Early Reader Reviews: from

For anyone who’s ever suffered from church hurt, this one’s for you. Ms. Van der Kroef has excellently woven several stories of women who love Jesus but have a hard time loving each other. She’s gracious and gentle when exploring their lives but still convicting in assessing the areas they need to “let go and let God” in order to commune as the Church.
A wonderful read and thought-provoking for sure. I can guarantee you’ll see yourself in this book, prompting a request for God to lovingly search your own heart.

– Ericka Clay –

This story was really fascinating and it got under my skin. What I found special was that the plot is gradually narrated by all protagonists- women who live their lives within one church community. Their stories follow and evolve with each conversation and interaction they have. It was quite playful and exciting for me to guess and realize who the narrator was and how connected she was to the previous narrator.
The climax of the book is the deadly sin of one of the women.
I got Goosebumps when reading the story.
The final scene is prodigious. It is an absolute act of humility and may be the symbol of a new start in the community.
I did not purchase the book and I read it as an early reader.

– Katarina Celkova –

Our Road To Trust by Mary Grace Van der Kroef, Mary Grace. I extend thanks to the author and publisher for the Advanced Reader Copy that was gifted to me.

This is a wonderful book full of inspiring faith based stories. The author did a good job of covering many different aspects and providing a little something for each and every reader. They were bite size nuggets of information all captured together between the covers. I highly recommend this book.

– Lisa –

I received this as an ARC reader. My opinions are my own.
This book got me from the very start. I understand ‘words that pierce’ and I’m sure I’ve said them many times. Each woman’s story wove within the others in a way that shows how completely the author understands the inner workings of how we as women think, feel, struggle, hope.
The depth in the book is amazing. Deep and complex, beautifully but sincerely written. It shows and teaches what true trust can be.

– Jen Dodrill –

Thank you to my ARC Team for your support! You can find all of their reviews on Goodreads.

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Our Road to Trust Releasing Soon

The release date for ‘Our Road to Trust’ is just a few weeks away! January 15th is the official release day.

It’s hard to believe that after two years of work, this book is ready for anyone willing to try it, to read. Are you ready?

Book Description:
Ten women struggle to find connection in their home church as they walk through personal suffering. Can they learn to trust God and each other, or will they choose to remain in their brokenness?
Words That Pierce:
Can Mary trust God and find the courage to confront a church friend about hurtful words?
The Letter:
While Tina’s whole world begins to crumble, will a letter harden or soften her heart?
Power Off:
Will Harmony trust her mother after committing an act of deception?
Can Amy learn to see past her anger and pain to apologize and find peace?
Broken China:
Can Rose overcome the pressure to appear as the perfect pastor’s wife, face her own failings, and find help for her troubled daughter before they both fall apart?
Just Forget It:
Beth’s long expected battle with forgetfulness has arrived; can she trust others for help as well as hold on to joy?
The Pill Cabinet:
Hillary’s world has become a cloud of pain. Can she walk past her pride and reach out for help, or will she begin down a dark path?
Her Choice:
Will Debora’s battle with depression and grief push her to a breaking point?
Scary Things:
At only four years old, Gloria faces one of life’s deepest losses, and when the shadows that once followed her mother notice her, can she defeat the darkness?
Prayers and Pencil Crayons:
Will Abigail step out of the shadows and into the new leadership role God has opened for her?

A huge thank you to my ARC review team who have taken time out over the last three months to read this book and offer the world their thoughts and opinions on it. You can find those reviews HERE on Goodreads.

The first draft of the second book in the Hope is Here Collection ‘How We Love Them’ is almost complete. If you love Contemporary Christian Fiction reads join my monthly newsletter list to receive all the news directly in your inbox each month.

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I’m looking for readers and other authors to help spread the word about ‘Our Road to Trust’s release! If you would like to join the launch team more information can be found HERE.

Home Over Walls

Let it not be walls
But foundations
I lay when pain is near

Foundations anchored
Deep beneath the surface
Swept by hurricanes.

The surface cleared
Ready for labour, industry, artistry,
Homemaking, husbandry.

Artistry layered through
Rafters, hearth, and bricks.
Dried within motor hardened to protect.

Bricks interlocked and bolted
Within the foundations of Him
Who raises homes within hearts before walls.

Him who welcomes
Nurtures feeds and names
Those who wander, searching

For names of truth that shine
Beacons from windows thrown wide
To a world that seeks

Wide open arms
And walls that support homes
Steadfast unmovable

Homes that endure
Because foundations were laid
Before walls were raised

Copyright ©2023 Mary Grace van der Kroef

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Truly Lovers Eyes

There is nothing quite like truth
Shining through the eyes of your lover
Stark and piercing
Coated with a cast of pain
From words,
Or dead,
Or lack by you

A gentle stab
Piercing the heart
With the absolute knowledge
You did it again
It’s your fault
That selfish flair flapped too hard
And struck

There is nothing quite like truth
Shinning from the eyes of your lover
Now gentled to a glint
Of wet release
Acceptance of the blow you failed
To control

Into a warmth that strangles doubts
Enfolds in forgiveness
With arms that bind wounds
Support boundaries
Encouraging both
To try again

There is nothing as beautiful as truth
Shining from the eyes of your lover
Lighting the road ahead
Assurance of
Together’s tomorrow
As those eyes seek and speak
Truth in love

Copyright ©2023 Mary Grace van der Kroef

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Matured Whims

Pour it out
Watch them swim
These thoughts
These frenzied whims

As you watch them be
Stirred by

Tested under
Pensive gaze
Peeling back
Ignorance’s haze

Solidified dreams
Witness growth
To realized schemas

Or seraph wings
What evolves
Bind with strings

For whims grounded
Can multiply
A hundredfold

Fortunes found
Will often flee
With careless glee

Yet caught with care
Gently matured
Can also spell
Futures assured

Copyright ©2023 Mary Grace van der Kroef

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